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By-Laws of the Illinois Association of Court Clerks

Article I. Name

 The name of the organization shall be the Illinois Association of Court Clerks (the Association).

Article II. Purpose.

 The purpose of the Association shall be:

Section 1. To provide an opportunity for Clerks of the Circuit, Appellate and Supreme Courts of the State of Illinois to exchange information, foster cooperation and devise the means for planning and promoting programs and ideas for more effective operation of their respective offices.

Section 2. To propose legislation which will be beneficial to the said clerk and to oppose legislation which it deems detrimental to their best interest.

Section 3. To cooperate with organizations affiliated with the Illinois Association of County Officials, Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts and state agencies that deal directly or indirectly with the court system.

Article III. Members

Section 1. Types of Membership.

    1. Active Member.  To qualify for active membership an individual shall be a duly elected or appointed commissioned Clerk of the Circuit Court. Active members whose association membership dues are current and are in good standing shall be entitled to all rights of membership. Active membership is effective upon payment of association membership dues. However, the membership of any new Circuit Clerk taking the place of a prior active member whose association membership dues were paid for the fiscal year shall be effective upon their official start date as Circuit Clerk.
    2. Life Members. To qualify for life membership an individual shall have been an active member in good standing of this Association for a minimum of eight years and is no longer serving as a Circuit Clerk.  A life member shall pay no association membership dues and may not hold office or attend business meetings.
    3. Associate Members.  To qualify for associate membership an individual shall be a sworn Deputy Clerk when recommended by his/her Circuit Clerk. Associate members whose association membership dues are current and are in good standing may attend business meetings, but shall have no rights of membership except that of right to debate However, an associate member may serve as an alternate and vote in the absence of his/her Circuit Clerk in membership meetings only. Associate membership is effective upon payment of association membership dues. However, the membership of any new Deputy Clerk taking the place of a prior associate member whose association membership dues were paid for the fiscal year shall be effective upon their official start date as Deputy Clerk.
    4. Honorary Members.  Appellate and Supreme Court Clerks, who have never served as a Circuit Clerk, or any individual, organization or company who supports the Association may be granted honorary membership upon recommendation of the Executive Board and a majority vote of the membership at any regular or special meeting of the membership. Honorary members shall pay no association membership dues and shall have no rights of membership. Honorary members may attend meetings and social events upon invitation.

Section 2. Dues. Association membership dues shall be as set forth in the Association Standing Rules. The amount of dues shall be determined by a vote of the membership at any regular or special meeting called for the purpose of determining the dues.

Section 3. Good Standing. Clerks in office more than two years shall be considered in good standing if their dues are current for the past two years. Clerks in office less than two years shall be considered in good standing if their dues are current for the current year. 

Section 4. Discipline. Members shall be held accountable for conduct that is detrimental, brings disrespect, or willfully violates the governing documents of the Association.  Procedures for handling allegations of such conduct shall be as prescribed in the parliamentary authority. 

Section 5. Termination of Membership. Memberships may be terminated:

    1. by resignation. Any member in good standing may resign upon written notice to the Secretary, but no member may resign when in debt to the Association. Dues obligations are considered a debt to the Association and they become incurred on January 1.
    2. by lapsing. A membership will be considered as lapsed and automatically terminated if such member’s dues remain unpaid by the IACO Spring Conference. 
    3. by expulsion. A membership may be terminated by expulsion as a result of disciplinary action as provided in Section 4 of this Article.

Article IV. Zones

Section 1. Zones. The Association shall be divided into zones as described in the Association Standing Rules. All active members in good standing in the zone and shall be the voting members of each zone. Each zone shall have the authority to determine its own rules and procedures as long as such rules and procedures do not conflict with provisions in these bylaws.

Section 2. Zone Chairmen. Each zone shall elect a Zone Chairman. A Zone Chairman must be an active member in good standing.

Article V. Officers

Section 1. Officers.  The officers of the Association shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Vice President, a Secretary, an Immediate Past President, and a Comptroller. 

Section 2. Eligibility. All officers shall be active members in good standing. No two officers, with the exception of the comptroller, may be from the same zone.

Section 3. Selection of Officers.

    1. Succession of Officers. The Secretary, upon the expiration of the term of the Vice President, shall become the Vice President. The Vice President, upon the expiration of the term of the President-Elect, shall become the President-Elect. The President-Elect, upon the expiration of the term of the President, shall become the President. The President, upon the expiration of the term of Immediate Past President, shall become the Immediate Past President.
    2. Elected Officers. The Secretary shall be elected by the members at the annual meeting.
    3. Appointed Officer. The Comptroller shall be an appointed position. The appointment shall be made by the incoming President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board in the years when the term is expiring.

Section 4. Term of Office. All officers, except for the Comptroller, shall assume office at the close of the Association annual meeting. They shall serve until the close of the next Association annual meeting or until their successors assume office. The Comptroller shall take office on January 1 and serve for a term of four years or until a successor assumes office. The comptroller is not limited to the number of consecutive terms he/she may serve.

Section 5. Nomination and Election of Officers.

    1. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President and shall consist of a representative from each zone. The zone representatives shall be selected annually by their respective Zone Chairman. The Zone Chairman may not serve as the zone representative. The Nominating Committee shall receive recommendations from the zones regarding nominations for the office of Secretary. The committee shall nominate one candidate for the office of Secretary and shall report the nominee to the membership at the spring IACO Association conference.
    2. Elections. Elections shall be by ballot at the IACC Fall annual meeting of the membership. A majority shall elect. In the event there is but one nominee for any office, the vote for that office may be taken by voice vote.

Section 6. Duties of Officers. The officers shall perform the duties as provided in this section and such other duties as provided in these bylaws or determined by the Executive Board.

    1. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association.  The President shall represent the Association in an official capacity. The President shall serve as Chairman of the Oversight Board for Continuing Education.
    2. President-Elect. The President-Elect shall serve in the absence or disability of the President.  The President-Elect, in conjunction with the President, shall plan the fall conference.
    3. Vice President. The Vice-President shall serve in the absence or disability of the President-Elect.  The Vice-President shall be the liaison to the Legislative Committee and shall serve as Chairman of the Finance Committee.
    4. The Secretary shall keep an accurate written record of all meetings of the Executive Board, Board of Officers, and membership meetings; receive and answer correspondence; preserve all Association documents; and notify members of their election.
    5. Immediate Past President. The Immediate Past President shall be the Chairman of the Nominating Committee.
    6. Comptroller. The Comptroller shall receive, record, hold and disburse all organization funds subject to the approval of the Executive Board; keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended; and submit the books to the approved auditor within 90 days following the election of officers of the Association. The Comptroller will file all necessary paperwork with the State of Illinois and submit quarterly reports to the Executive Board. The Comptroller will be in direct contact between all outside accountants/CPAs, attorneys and financial institutions unless otherwise directed by the Executive Board.  The Comptroller shall provide the financial aspect to the Association, including giving a financial report.   

Section 7. Vacancies.

    1. Vacancy in President, President-Elect or Vice President. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the President-Elect shall advance to President for the remainder of that term. When a vacancy occurs in the office of President-Elect, the Vice-President shall advance to President-Elect for the remainder of that term. When a vacancy occurs in the office of Vice President, the Secretary shall advance to Vice President for the remainder of that term. In the event the President-elect assumes the office of President with the remainder of the term being less than six months, all officers, except for the comptroller, shall serve for a succeeding full term.

    2. Vacancy in Secretary. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Secretary, a replacement may be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, until the next regular meeting of the membership or a special meeting called for the purpose of electing a Secretary to fill the vacancy.

    3. Vacancy in Immediate Past President. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Immediate Past President, the individual who is the most recent Past President and is still an active member in good standing of the Association shall assume this position for the remainder of the term even though this may be contrary to the zone eligibility requirement in Section 2 of this Article.

    4. Vacancies in Comptroller.  If a vacancy occurs in the office of Comptroller, a replacement shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, to serve the remainder of the term.

Article VI. Membership Meetings

Section 1. Regular meetings. The Association shall have two regular meetings per year at a time and place determined by the Executive Board. Notice stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting shall be provided not less than 20 and not more than 60 days before the date of the meeting by any allowable means as provided under Illinois state statutes.

Section 2. Annual meeting. The regular meeting held at the IACC Fall Conference, or at a time determined by the Executive Board, shall be known as the annual meeting of the Association. The purpose of the annual meeting shall be the election of officers, receiving reports, and for any other business which shall properly come before the members. 

Section 3. Special meetings. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the Executive Board, provided that notice stating the place, day, hour, and purpose of the meeting shall be provided to the members at least 20 days prior to the date of the meeting. Notice may be provided by any allowable means as provided under Illinois state statutes.

Section 4. Quorum. The quorum for membership meetings shall be 30% of the active members.

Section 5.  Voting.  Each active member shall have one vote and may not vote in more than one capacity. Proxy and/or absentee voting shall not be allowed.

Section 6.  Alternates.  An associate member may serve as an alternate and vote in the absence of his/her Circuit Clerk.

Section 7. Postponement. The Executive Board by a two thirds vote may postpone any membership meeting for cause. All members shall be notified of the postponement in a manner determined by the Executive Board to be fair and reasonable under the circumstances.

Article VII. Executive Board

Section 1. Composition. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers and the Zone Chairmen. The Comptroller shall have all rights, except the right to vote. The chairmen of standing committees shall be invited to all meetings and may report and debate, but shall have no other rights or be counted in quorum. The President may invite other persons to attend meetings of the Executive Board when their input on Association business is deemed important. 

Section 2. Authority. The Executive Board shall have full control of the Association between its membership meetings, except that which is retained by the membership as provided in these bylaws or by statute. The Executive Board shall have the authority to fix the time and place of membership meetings.

Section 3. Meetings. The Executive Board shall hold regular meetings on a schedule as determined by the Executive Board. Special meetings may be called with two days notice by the President and shall be called upon the written request of four members of the Executive Board as long as at least two of the four members are officers. Such notice shall include the purpose of the meeting and may be provided in person or by telephone or sent by email to each member of the Executive Board. Notice of such meeting shall be waived by attendance at the special meeting unless the Executive Board member attends such meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the special meeting was not properly called or convened.

Section 4. Voting.  Each member of the Executive Board, except for the Comptroller, shall have one vote and may not vote in more than one capacity. Proxy and/or absentee voting shall not be allowed.

Section 5. Action by Written Consent. Action may be taken by the Executive Board without a meeting if written consent given personally or mailed or electronically transmitted, setting forth the action taken and signed, is received from all the voting members of the Executive Board, and such consents are filed in the corporate records.  Any consent signed by all voting members of the Executive Board shall have the same effect as a unanimous vote of the members of the Executive Board.  

Section 6. Quorum. A majority of the voting membership of the Executive Board then in office shall constitute a quorum.

Section 7. Removal. Any member of the Executive Board may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board.

Section 8. Board of Officers.

    1. Composition. The Board of Officers shall be the officers as defined in Article V. The Comptroller shall have all rights, except the right to vote.

    2. Authority. The Board of Officers shall be responsible for the management and administration of the Association. The Board of Officers may not exercise any authority which is retained by the membership or Executive Board as provided in these bylaws or by statute. The Board of Officers may not take any action which is contrary to the instructions of the Executive Board. The Board of Officers shall be accountable to the Executive Board and shall report at each regular Executive Board meeting.

    3. Meetings. Meetings of the Board of Officers shall be called by the President or any two members with two days’ notice. Such notice may be provided in person or by telephone or sent by email to each member of the Board of Officers. Notice of such meeting shall be waived by attendance at the special meeting unless the Board of Officers member attends such meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the special meeting was not properly called or convened.

    4. Voting.  Each member of the Board of Officers, except for the Comptroller, shall have one vote and may not vote in more than one capacity. Proxy and/or absentee voting shall not be allowed.

    5. Action by Written Consent. Action may be taken by the Board of Officers without a meeting if written consent given personally or mailed or electronically transmitted, setting forth the action taken and signed, is received from all the voting members of the Board of Officers, and such consents are filed in the corporate records.  Any consent signed by all voting members of the Board of Officers shall have the same effect as a unanimous vote of the members of the Board of Officers.

    6. Quorum. A majority of the voting membership of the Board of Officers then in office shall constitute a quorum.

Article VIII. Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees.  The Association shall have such standing committees as described in the Association Standing Rules. The President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board shall appoint all members of the standing committees unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws or the Standing Rules. The term for members of standing committee shall correspond to the fiscal year.

Section 2. Special Committees. Special committees shall be created as deemed necessary by the membership, the Executive Board, or the President.

Section 3. Quorum. The quorum for meetings of any committee shall be a majority of the members of the committee.

Section 4. Ex Officio Members. The President or the President’s designee, selected from among the Board of Officers, shall be ex officio a member of each committee, except the nominating committee. The President or the presidential designee shall not be counted in determining a quorum, but shall have the right to vote.

Article IX. Association Representatives to External Entities

Section 1. Illinois Association of County Officials (IACO) Representative. The Association shall have one appointed representative to the Illinois Association of County Officials. The representative shall serve a three year term. The representative on IACO shall alternate between North of I-80 and South of I-80 every other term.  The representative shall be an elected Circuit Clerk in good standing.  The President shall appoint the IACO Representative with the advice and consent of the Executive Board. If a vacancy occurs, the President shall appoint a replacement in no less than 60 days following the same procedure.  The representative shall attend all meetings of the IACO Board and shall report back to the Association.

Section 2. Ad Hoc Committee of the Conference of Chief Circuit Judges on the Article V Supreme Court Rules. The Association has one appointed representative to the Ad Hoc Committee of the Conference of Chief Circuit Judges on the Article V Supreme Court Rules (Article V Committee).  When a vacancy occurs, a recommendation shall be made by the President to fill the seat. The President shall select a representative and an alternate representative with the advice and consent of the Executive Board prior to making a recommendation to the Chairman of the Article V Committee.            

Approval by the Chairman of the Article V Committee is necessary to complete the appointment.  The appointed representative is required to attend all meetings and report to the Association as necessary.  The appointed representative will vote on behalf of the Association. The appointed alternate representative may attend all Article V Committee meetings and in the absence of the appointed representative may vote on behalf of the Association.

Appointed representatives shall serve until such time as they are removed by the Chairman, no longer a duly Elected Circuit Clerk, or are unable to attend all meetings.  

Permanent Circuit Clerk representatives to the Article V Committee are: Cook, DuPage, and Madison County. Each of these representatives have voting authority on behalf of the county they represent.

Section 3. Additional Representatives. The President shall appoint representatives to any additional entities, as needed, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board.

Article X. Electronic Meetings.

The Executive Board, Board of Officers, standing committees, and special committees may participate in and act at any meeting through the use of a conference telephone or other communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can communicate with each other.  Participation in such meeting shall constitute attendance and presence at the meeting of the persons so participating.

Article XI. Finances

Section 1. Fiscal Year. The Fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December.        

Section 2. Depositories. All funds of the Association shall be deposited to the credit of the Association under such conditions and in such financial institutions as shall be designated by the Executive Board.

Section 3. Approved Signatures. Approvals for signatory authority in the name of the Association and access to funds and securities of the Association shall be authorized by the Executive Board. 

Section 4. Financial Reports. A summary report of the financial condition of the Association shall be presented to the membership at the annual meeting. 

Article XII. Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws, any special rules of order that the Association may adopt, and any state statutes applicable to the Association that do not authorize the provisions of these Bylaws to take precedence.

Article XIII. Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended by the membership at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be placed in the hands of the Secretary not less than 30 days before the meeting, said proposed amendments to be in writing.  The Secretary shall have the proposed amendments printed or otherwise duplicated and disseminate a copy to each eligible member not less than 20 days prior to the meeting.  If an electronic means is used to disseminate the amendments to the membership, a verification of receipt shall be obtained.

Article XIV. Dissolution

The Association shall not be dissolved except by a 90% written vote in the affirmative by the members of the Association in good standing at that time. If the vote is conducted by mail, the number of members used to calculate the necessary 90% shall be the number of ballots sent by first class mail to the last known address of each member in good standing, minus the number of ballots which are returned as undeliverable. If the vote is conducted at a regular or special meeting, the number of members used to calculate the necessary 90% shall be the number of members in good standing who are present at that meeting

Upon the dissolution or winding up of the affairs of this Association, the Executive Board, after providing for the payment of all obligations, shall distribute any remaining assets to any nonprofit tax exempt organization.

  Standing Rules of the Illinois Association of Court Clerks

  1. I.              Dues.

Section 1. Dues for Active Members shall be by class of membership.  The class of membership shall be in accordance with the population of the county as set forth by the latest federal census.

            Class 1.   Counties of less than 14,000 - $300.00

            Class 2.   Counties of between 14,001 and 30,000 - $375.00

            Class 3.   Counties of between 30,001 and 60,000 - $450.00

            Class 4.   Counties of between 60,001 and 100,000 - $500.00

            Class 5.   Counties of between 100,001 and 200,000 - $575.00

            Class 6.   Counties of between 200,001 and 300,000 - $625.00

            Class 7.   Counties of between 300,001 and 1,000,000 - $775.00

            Class 8.   Counties over 1,000,000 - $1,175.00

Section 2. Dues for Associate Members shall be $100 for each additional Associate Member, Deputy or other.

  1. II.            Zones.

Section 1. The Association shall be divided by counties into five zones as follows:

Zone 1 shall include the following counties: Alexander, Crawford, Edwards, Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Lawrence, Massac, Monroe, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Randolph, Richland, Saline, St. Clair, Union, Wabash, Washington, Wayne, White and Williamson.

Zone 2 shall include the following counties: Champaign, Christian, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Coles, Cumberland, Dewitt, Douglas, Edgar, Effingham, Fayette, Ford, Iroquois, Jasper, Macon, Marion, McLean, Montgomery, Moultrie, Piatt, Shelby and Vermilion.

Zone 3 shall include the following counties: Adams, Bond, Brown, Calhoun, Cass, Greene, Jersey, Logan, Macoupin, Madison, Mason, Menard, Morgan, Pike, Sangamon, Schuyler and Scott.

Zone 4 shall include the following counties: Bureau, Carroll, Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, Henry, Jo Daviess, Knox, Lee, Livingston, Marshall, McDonough, Mercer, Ogle, Peoria, Putnum, Rock Island, Stark, Stephenson, Tazewell, Warren, Whiteside and Woodford.

Zone 5 shall include the following counties: Boone, Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, LaSalle, McHenry, Will and Winnebago.

  1. III.           Committees

Section 1. Standing committees shall be as follows:

  1. Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall consist of the Vice-President as chairman, the Secretary, and a representative from each zone as determined by the Zone Chairman. The Zone Chairman may not serve as the zone representative.  The committee shall meet not less than annually. The committee, shall oversee the financial aspect of the Association and make sure that the books are reviewed upon the changing of administrations (the January following the election of officers). Additionally, the committee shall conduct a mid-year review of all payout and receivables (between July and no later than the end of August). The report will be given at the Fall Conference. The committee, working through the Vice President, shall work with the Comptroller and oversee the administration, collection, and disbursement of the financial resources of the association. The committee is authorized to consider matters related to (a) the financial statements of the organization and other official financial information provided to the Association members; (b) the system of internal controls, including overseeing compliance by Association officers with applicable policies and procedures and risk management and (c) whether the Association will require an annual internal audit or external audit, review or compilation and if any external independent certified public accountants are required.  This will include recommending the engagement of and receiving of all the reports from outside accountants.  These recommendations will be submitted in writing or electronic transmission to the Executive Board for consideration and/or action. The audit shall be performed each year and submitted to the Executive Board prior to the Association Fall Conference.
  2. Legislative Committee. The Legislative Committee shall consist of two Co- Chairmen, one from each major party and appointed by the President, and two members from each zone, as determined by the Zone Chairman. The President-Elect shall serve on the committee. The committee shall monitor all legislation that affects the Circuit Clerk.  Legislative matters shall be presented to the Executive Board for their consideration.
  3. Oversight Board for Continuing Education. An Oversight Board for Continuing Education (Board) was created in July 1996 by the Association to further continuing education for circuit clerks in Illinois. The Board consists of members of the Association, representatives from the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC), and a representative from the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board (ILETSB).

Board Composition:  The Board shall be composed of no less than one, but no more than two, representative(s) from the AOIC; one representative of the ILETSB; and five circuit clerks, representing each of the five zones, which includes the President of the Association, who is elected annually.  The President will represent his/her zone and, shall appoint one clerk from each of the remaining four zones.  If the President of the Association is unable to attend a meeting of the Board, the President-Elect of the Association shall attend on the President’s behalf.

Purpose:  The primary purpose of the Board shall be to provide educational programs for the Association.  This responsibility includes, but not limited to, assessment of educational needs, program design, planning and execution of seminars, the continuing evaluation of such programs, and the certificates of attendance to Circuit Clerks who have attended such programs.  For all conferences held in the spring and fall, educational agendas shall be designed and finalized no less than four weeks prior to the event.   The Board shall meet quarterly. The Oversight Board shall develop a working relationship with the AOIC on issues relative to Circuit Clerks throughout the State.  The Oversight Board shall keep the membership informed on all matters of importance from the AOIC. The Oversight Board shall prepare topics of interest for each meeting and present such to the Executive Board, with notice of each seminar being mailed to the Secretary of the Association at least 10 days prior to each Association meeting.  The Oversight Board shall adopt minimum standards in providing continuing education for circuit clerks.

Terms of Members:  Representatives from the AOIC and the ILETSB shall serve indefinite terms. Four circuit clerks appointed by the President of the Association shall serve staggered terms of one year, two years, and two clerks shall serve three years, respectively, which shall begin on January 1 of the year they are appointed and ending on December 31 of the year such term expires.

Election and Duties of Officers:  The January meeting each year shall be designated as the Board's annual meeting and the President of the Association shall be chairperson for the President’s term. A vice chairperson shall be elected from among the Board's members and shall hold office for one year or until their respective successor is elected, regardless of whether his or her term as a member under the previous paragraph has expired.  The permanent secretary shall be one member of the AOIC as long as they are a Board member. 

The chairperson shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a)    preside at all board meetings;
b)    approve an agenda for each board meeting;
c)    call regular or special board meetings under Section 5.  

The vice chairperson shall act as chairperson when the chairperson is absent or unable to act.

The secretary shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a)    keep minutes of the meetings and send e-mail copies thereof to the members promptly after each meeting;

b)    E-mail to the members not later than two weeks before each meeting notice of the time and place of the meeting, the agenda for the meeting, and available reports and other material with respect to matters that may be considered at the meeting.

Frequency of Meetings:  Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on call of the chairperson at such times and places as he or she shall select. Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time by the chairperson or any two members of the Board.


The Oversight Board for Continuing Education of the Illinois Association of Court Clerks (Board) adopts the following minimum standards in providing continuing education for Illinois Circuit Clerks:

1. Purpose

Circuit Clerks believe that through continuing education they can better fulfill their obligation to the judicial system and to the public.  These rules establish minimum standards in proving continuing education for circuit clerks through a joint effort of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC), Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board (ILETSB), and the Illinois Association of Court Clerks (Association).

2. Educational Recommendation

Each Circuit Clerk is encouraged to complete a minimum of ten (10) credit hours of approved or accredited educational seminars during each calendar year commencing April 1, 1997.  Thereafter, ten (10) hours shall be earned during each calendar year beginning January 1998.  Deputy Clerks and other staff designated by the Circuit Clerk may attend educational programs but will not be entitled to Certificates of Attendance.

3. Standards for Programs

The following standards shall be met by any program for which credit or approval is sought:

  1. The program must have significant intellectual or practical content and its primary objective must be to increase each participant’s professional competence as a circuit clerk.
  2. The program must deal primarily with matters related to the Office of the Circuit Clerk, professional responsibility, or ethical obligations of Circuit Clerks.
  3. Each faculty member shall be qualified by practical or academic experience to teach the subject he/she covers.
  4. While written materials need not be distributed for every program, thorough, high quality, readable, carefully prepared written materials should be distributed to all participants at or before the time the program is offered whenever is practicable.
  5. A list of all participants shall be maintained by the Board following the presentation of the program.

 4. Standards for Training at Circuit Clerk Zone Meetings. The following standards must be met in order for Circuit Clerk Zone Meetings to qualify as training:

  1. The meeting agenda includes a topic specifically identified as a training segment.
  2. The training must deal primarily with matters related to the office of the circuit clerk, professional responsibility, or ethical obligations of circuit clerks.
  3. The training must be presented by a qualified individual who has practical or academic experience to teach the subject.
  4. The training should include written materials and/or visual presentation material whenever practical.
  5. A printed agenda of the Zone Meeting including the training segment, any written materials, and an attendance sheet listing the names of those Circuit Clerks present shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board.
  6. Zone meetings will qualify for the actual training session time upon Board approval.  Course and topic information, shall be submitted prior to training.
  7. No credit will be given unless the above criteria are met.

5.  Hours and Accreditation

  1. Sixty (60) minutes of accredited continuing education means one (1) hour in attendance at an accredited continuing education program.   Any accredited continuing education program that has an odd amount of minutes will be rounded to the nearest half hour.
  2. Accredited continuing education programs are those specifically accredited by the Board.
  3. The Board will automatically approve credit for attendance at seminars sponsored and conducted by the AOIC, the ILETSB, and the Institute for Court Management of the National Center for State Courts.  A Clerk desiring to receive credit for attendance at a seminar sponsored by the Institute for Court Management of the National Center for State Courts shall submit a copy of the program agenda and proof of attendance to the Board no later than thirty (30) days of having attended the seminar.  The Board may waive this requirement on good cause shown.
  4. A clerk who wishes to receive accreditation by attending a course, seminar, or participating in a related activity such as teaching, from sponsors other than those automatically approved under 4(C) above, must apply to the Board by submitting a required application form. (An Application for Course Approval is attached.)
  5. The Board shall approve the course or seminar if it determines that the course will make a significant contribution to the professional competency of clerks who enroll.  In determining if a course meets this standard the Board shall consider the standards set forth under 3(A) through (D) above.  The Board shall notify an applicant seeking course approval in writing of its decision within thirty (30) days of receipt of the application form.

6. Certificates of Attendance

  1. Certificate of Attendance shall be awarded to each participant who attends ten (10) hours of continuing education sponsored by or approved by the Board in one (1) calendar year.  Such Certificates shall be prepared by the representative from the ILETSB.

7. Program Evaluation

  1. To evaluate the efficacy of any one program and to improve future programs sponsored by the Board, the Board will provide each program participant and evaluation questionnaire to complete following each program.  The questionnaire will address the quality, effectiveness, and usefulness of the particular program.
  2. Evaluation results will be tabulated and presented to the Board for review at its next regularly scheduled meeting following the program.





Name            ________________________________

Address:      ________________________________



1. Please list the title of the course or seminar you attended: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Date and location of the course/seminar: _____________________________________________________________________

3. Attach a course outline containing the following information:

a.         Name, educational background, and professional experience of the faculty who presented the course/seminar:



b.         Specific topics the course or seminar covered and if available, attach a copy of the course agenda:



4. Actual number of classroom hours you attended at this seminar: _______________________

5. Name of organization that sponsored this course/seminar: ______________________________________________________________________      

Submit this application for course approval to:
Oversight Board for Continuing Education
of the Illinois Association of Court Clerks
c/o Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts
Court Services Division
3101 Old Jacksonville Road
Springfield, IL 62704

D.  Technology Committee.  The Technology Committee shall consist of a chairman, as appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, and up to five (5) additional members, as submitted by the chairman and approved by the President. The membership may also include non-elected circuit clerk personnel or other members approved by the President.  The committee shall meet, to review Supreme Court directives or technology trends, and maintain communication with the AOIC. The committee shall review what technologies are being used by Illinois Clerks, as well as investigate new technologies in either private or public industries that may be applicable.  The committee shall report findings and recommendations back to the Association.  The Technology Committee shall meet at least every six (6) months.

E.  Political Action Committee (PAC). Members of the PAC Board will be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board ensuring partisan and geographic balance on the Board at all times.  Members may serve up to four (4) years and at the pleasure of the President.  Board Members must contribute to the PAC.         The PAC Board will consist of five (5) members, one clerk, in good standing, from each zone to ensure partisan and geographic representation. Regardless of member selection, the partisan balance of the committee should ensure that each political party has no less than two members on the PAC Board. The PAC Board should meet at least quarterly, either in person or by teleconference. 

Development of the Giving Plan

The PAC Board will work with the membership and the association lobbyist to develop a giving plan for each biennial General Assembly.  The development of the giving plan shall be designed in the first January of the biennial General Assembly.  The giving plan should address the budget, goals and administrative functions including limits for the first (non-election) and election year and contingency funds to be set aside for unanticipated expenses or contributions.

The Association lobbyist will provide administrative support to the PAC Board, including:

  1. Drafting a written outline of the Association Giving Plan as established by the PAC Board for their approval.  This document and the goals and priorities outlined in the giving plan will serve as a reference for the PAC Board in evaluating contribution requests and proposals.
  2. Assisting in the scheduling of PAC Board meetings and sending notice of meetings to the PAC Board and Association leadership.
  3. Developing and maintaining a list of all contribution requests made to the Association.  This will require that Association members forward any contribution requests made of individual members of the PAC Board for inclusion in the general list. This list, as well as any proposed changes to the Giving Plan or other pertinent materials, will be provided to the members of the PAC Board prior to each quarterly meeting for their review.
  4. Assisting the PAC Board in developing a system for distribution of contributions, including coordinating attendance at political fundraisers, scheduling personal delivery of contributions by Association members and mailing contributions on behalf of the Association. There should always be a letter from the Association President accompanying the donation.
  5. Assisting the Association in the filing of required disclosures and reports with the Illinois State Board of Elections. The lobbyist may also assist the Association leadership and PAC Board in the development of bylaws, if required, to govern the function of the PAC Board.

As amended August 29, 2023

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